Review: Good Night, and Good Luck

Chick 1 says:goodnightandgoodluck4

In my continuing quest to see the movies of Robert Downey Jr, I came across this ensemble piece directed by George Clooney, based on the true story of Edward Murrow’s confrontation with Senator Joseph McCarthy.

What I Liked: This movie has a strong cast & a compelling story.  The script was meticulously recreated with the input of actual people it portrays.  This, along with the frequent use of historical footage, definitely gives the film a docu-drama feel.  The story taps into the paranoia & fear of the era without becoming fanatical.  As a middle of the road conservative, I really appreciate liberal Clooney’s sober direction, which never stoops to blaming one side or the other but simply applauds courage in the face of intimidation.  The cast is outstanding with not a weak performance among them.  In fact, some really amazing actors sometimes zoom by with barely enough time to recognize them.  David Strathairn, one of my favorite character actors, really gets a chance to shine in the lead role and deliver some truly memorable speeches.  The black & white film adds to the atmosphere making special use of Murrow’s heavy smoking.  (He eventually died of lung cancer.)  The scenes are tied together with a jazz combo that Clooney discovered through his Aunt Rosemary (yes, that Aunt Rosemary).

What I Didn’t Like:  It’s strange to say it, but as tense & taut as this movie is, it’s still kinda slow.  My sister & I have described it as the most interesting, boring movie we’ve seen.  Also, because it focuses on the facts so exclusively, the story at times lacks emotional punch.  We don’t really connect with a lot of the characters, with the exception of journalist Don Hollenbeck, played heartbreakingly by Ray Wise.

Bottom Line: An intelligent, well crafted story about bravery in the face of bullies.  Definitely worth a rental.

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