Review: State of Play

Chick 1 says:stateofplay1

Finally!  Back in a theater after being thwarted by my schedule, my budget, & the lack of movies I actually want to see being released.  State of Play wasn’t really high on my must list but it has a great cast so The Flick Chicks gave it a look-see.

What I Liked:  As I said, this cast is a very nice collection of some of today’s most talented actors and while some of the characters were sterotypes on paper, the performances easily elavated them past that.  The script did well in the mystery department; neither Wendy nor I were certain who-done-it and we had no idea who was going to live or die.   And there was one scene in particular that not only scared the living tar out of me but had Russell Crowe stuttering in fear as well.

What I Didn’t Like:  I am soooo over handheld.  It wasn’t as bad in this one as in some others (I’m looking at you, Bourne Ultimatum.) but still, I want to SEE the action.  Not just watch blurry figures going by & get seasick during conversations.  Also, as I said above, the script was filled with sterotypes; the experienced, crusty newspaper man, the young, scrappy attractive writer, the hard nosed editor.  Seen it.  The running time was also a little too long.  They seemed to be having a little difficulty figuring out how to wrap things up.

Bottom Line: A little slow in places but full of great performances.  And it keeps you guessing.  Worth a matinee.

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