I Can’t Wait!: Update on The Soloist

Chick 1 says:

I’ve had my 2nd temper tantrum in as many days.  Paramount has decided to push back the release of The Soloist to March 2009.  This will successfully eliminate the movie & its stars from the upcoming Oscar race.  Various websites have speculated as to why this move is being made.  Often a shift like this would be the sign that the studio has lost faith in the film but the trailer has been generating quite a bit of Oscar buzz for its director, stars, & writer.  Add to that the fact that director Joe Wright is coming off his success with Atonement & the phenomenal year Downey is having & it doesn’t make a lot of sense.  I think this could be a mistake & the movie could lose some of the momentum behind it.  Besides, Oscar worthy films released in spring are often overlooked come voting time.  Kristopher Tapley at www.incontention.com speculates that Downey’s lack of availability to promote the film due to his shooting schedule with Sherlock Holmes might have played a part in all this.

First Harry Potter, now this…stupid movie studio executive people.

Posted on by Chick 1 in I Can't Wait! 3 Comments

3 Responses to I Can’t Wait!: Update on The Soloist

  1. wj11

    Don’t you want to be a stupid movie executive person?

  2. princessroney

    No, I want to be a smart creative movie person!

  3. Pingback: I Can’t Wait: The Long Cold Winter « The Flick Chicks

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